Come Work With us at BKW! Thank you for your interest in working with us!We will read through your application and reach back out to you ASAP with next steps. Step 1 of 714%BKW Location*Any LocationFarragutWest Town MallAbout YouName* First Middle Last Age*(or “Under 18”, “Over 21”, etc.)Aliases UsedAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email Address* Home PhoneCell Phone*Emergency Contact Name*Emergency Contact Phone*Are you over age 18?* Yes NoAre you over age 21?* Yes NoDo you have a valid driver's license?* Yes NoAre you legally allowed to work in the USA?* Yes NoDo you love wings? (Hint: answer yes)* Yes NoDo you have restaurant experience?* Yes NoPlease describe any restaurant experience:*Have you ever been convicted of a felony or dishonest or violent crime, or Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment or Neglect?* Yes NoIf yes, please describe:*Do you have any criminal or civil litigation pending or have you had any legal actions filed against you/been party to a legal filing?* Yes NoIf yes, please describe:*Have you ever declared personal bankruptcy?* Yes NoDo you have any conditions that may prevent you from handling food or equipment in a sanitary and healthy fashion?* Yes NoIf yes, please describe:*I'm awesome because:*Here’s the fun part. Write a little blurb about yourself and why you think you’re a perfect fit for joining our team at BKW! Maybe you have a hobby or weird talent that’s worth bragging about?Work Summary*Give us a brief summary of your work experience.AvailabilityPosition Desired*Any Open PositionBartenderCookHostKitchen ManagementManagementServerType of Position*Part TimeFull TimeDate you can Start* MM slash DD slash YYYY Have you applied here before?* Yes NoIf yes, when:*Have you worked here before?* Yes NoIf yes, when:*Are you willing to work split shifts?* Yes NoNOTE: Split shifts are common in the restaurant industry.OPEN SHIFT (from 8am) – Please check when you are available, and/or write in hours that you are available.SunMonTueWedThuFriSatCommentsLUNCH SHIFT – Please check when you are available, and/or write in hours that you are available.SunMonTueWedThuFriSatCommentsAFTERNOON SHIFT – Please check when you are available, and/or write in hours that you are available.SunMonTueWedThuFriSatCommentsCLOSE SHIFT – Please check when you are available, and/or write in hours that you are available.SunMonTueWedThuFriSatCommentsRecent Job HistoryEmployerPhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Dates Employed From MM slash DD slash YYYY Dates Employed To MM slash DD slash YYYY Hourly Rate StartingHourly Rate FinalJob TitleSupervisorOK to Contact?YesNoReason for LeavingEmployerPhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Dates Employed From MM slash DD slash YYYY Dates Employed To MM slash DD slash YYYY Hourly Rate StartingHourly Rate FinalJob TitleSupervisorOK to Contact?YesNoReason for LeavingEmployerPhoneAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Dates Employed From MM slash DD slash YYYY Dates Employed To MM slash DD slash YYYY Hourly Rate StartingHourly Rate FinalJob TitleSupervisorOK to Contact?YesNoReason for LeavingEducationHigh School NameCity, StateCurrently a Student? Yes NoDid you Graduate? Yes NoMajor/DegreeTrade or Business SchoolCity, StateCurrently a Student? Yes NoDid you Graduate? Yes NoMajor/DegreeCollege or UniversityCity, StateCurrently a Student? Yes NoDid you Graduate? Yes NoMajor/DegreeReferencesNot that we don’t believe you, but we’d like to talk to some other people who can confirm you’re just the best person we could possibly hire. Can you give us their names and numbers? Please give us a couple that you’ve worked with, adn a couple that you know personally.Business References (3)Name of ReferenceRelationshipYears AcquaintedPhone NumberName of ReferenceRelationshipYears AcquaintedPhone NumberName of ReferenceRelationshipYears AcquaintedPhone Number Personal References (2)Name of ReferenceRelationshipYears AcquaintedPhone NumberName of ReferenceRelationshipYears AcquaintedPhone NumberSign HereSign here that the above information is accurate and true to the best of your ability, that you love wings and can’t wait to work here, you’re okay with us running the background check, you’ll follow all the rules of employment and that you understand that employment is “at-will”.Applicant's Signature*Printed Name*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ